Monday, November 5, 2012

World Leaders

Dilma Rouseff:

  • Dilma is a Economist.She can easily detect economic trends and knows the best way to allow her country to thrive.
  • Has Political Experience;worked as Mister of Mines and Energy & Chief of Staff of Brazil.This means that she has great leadership skills.
David Cameron:
  • Well Educated ; went to the prestigious Oxford University.
  • Political Experience. Also studied Politics in College. This simply means that he knows what he is doing.
Hugo Chavez:
  • Supports Socialism in a indirect way. Socialism has  not made ANY successful countries.(in the long run)
  • Seems to be doing something right as a leader. Venezuela is showing signs of rapid growth ever since his election.
Pranab Muhkherjee:
  • Has a political career spanning over six decades. This means that he has experience.
  • Worked as a journalist , for a couple of years. This means that he has a good idea of what the media and the people want.
Francois Hollande:
  • Part of the French Socialist Party and as I said before Socialism get's no country anywhere.
  • NO prior experience as Prime Minister or Junior Minister.                                                                               
Hamid Karzai: 
  • Has a great foreign relations with the UN. Also, the United States supports Hamid.
  • Very Well-respected president because of the way his presidency is going.
 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Ak ma dina jad
  • Disregards Human Rights
  • Very Pro-Islam. Does't believe in Gay Iranians.joiujgAlso doesn't believe in female rights.
Hu Jianto:
  • He's a communist. Communists countries have never done well, in the long run. The Soviet union did well for a while.But then their government collapsed. So China is doing well right now , but are they going to continue to do well? I don't think that he will be an effective leader with this mind set.
  • China's economy is rapidly growing. They seem to be doing great in the world and are making a name for their people. Hu Jianto Seems to be doing a great job.
Benjamin Netanyahu:
  • Has had over 14 different political positions in his career.This means that he has allot of experience.
  • Seems to have a blind hatred of Iran. Even though his life experiences may have triggered this hatred. This may cause hastened decisions that may reap horrible consequences.
Angela Merkel:
  • Has had several powerful leadership positions in her life.  She is used to making big decisions.
  • Has horrible foreign relations. After reading several articles i  have found out that she is disliked by several European citizens.
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud:
  • He is a very rich man. Yet many of his people are suffering. I smell corruption.
  • Doesn't have allot of political experience. His previous post was "mayor of mecca"
Enrique Peña Nieto:
  • 1 word , Corruption. his party has been in charge ff Mexico for the past 71 years. The only way 1 party can be in-charge for so many years is corruption. Since his party is corrupted , and is supported by is party. He is corruption in the form of a president.
Received only 38% of the popular vote.Also didn't get the legislative majority. How did he win the election? He is not even supported by his people.

Barack Obama:
  • Very good speech writer.
  • Good at foreign relations .

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