Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

Today in class Mr. Schick’s passed our test’s back. I was very disappointed because I got an 87% on my test. The worst part is the test was really easy. All the mistakes I made were really stupid and I wished I checked my work on the test. Anyhow, Mr. Schick reviewed the test with us. The next time we have a test I will be very careful with my answers. Also we started a new unit in class. Economic Geography is the name of our new section. So we then watched a video about Chinese and American relations. When I watched the video I was so saddened.  This video reminded me why China is a superpower that is almost more powerful than the United States. Chinese schools teach their students English. This is one of many reasons why China is becoming VERY powerful. But , in summary class today was very wonderful and I can’t wait until tomorrow.

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