Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today in class we watched a video. The video was about the People’s Republic of China. Their name however is actually false.  The country of China is not a republic. The “People” control NOTHING. Their last “president” Hu Jintao recently ended his term. DO you think the people picked their next “president”? Nope. A select group of the Elite in China went into a room, and decided which person would be best to become president. These people are usually the richest, most powerful and influential people in China. That is how there ruler was chosen. Also, the video we were shown talked about how the Chinese have a very large population of poor people. Some of these workers make only 1 – 5$ a day. They barely survive. The reason why these people, even take this horrible payment is because China has over 1 billion people in their country. If one worker decides to not work, or to refuse to do something, they could simply hire someone else. With a 1 billion + work force, they could certainly find someone else to hire. I don’t know what to think about this system. IS this a good way to live???? Morally I don’t think this is right but otherwise I don’t know what to think. We talked about a lot of different Chinese economic differences. There work force Is SO much different than ours. Now , I think I have a better grasp on why China is becoming a stronger force than America.

In summary, we talked about the Chinese economy and what fuels it’s growth. That is what today’s class period was spent on.

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