Saturday, October 6, 2012


In Human Geography Class Today we took a test. Prior to the test I was uncomfortable. I didn’t take good notes on The Lost Boys after they moved to America; So I wasn’t sure how I was going to effectively Study. But thankfully, Parker let me look at her notes. When we started the test I realized how easy it was and despite 2 tricky fill in the blank questions I think I aced the test. Also, when Mr. Schick was going over the test answers I think he was reading mine because Of a specific word I used that was recited. The word I used was not a common word, but I could be wrong. Sadly Mr. .Schick said that test was almost 100%, So If it was mine I didn’t get a 100%. And I really want a 100% because that would boost my grade. Right now I have a 99% in Human Geography So if I get 1 more percent , I have a 100% grade , which would do wonders for my GPA.(Every percentage point counts). That is how my class period went.

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