Wednesday, October 10, 2012


In class today, we showed the classroom our Presentation on Christopher Columbus. The first presentation that was presented to the classroom was the Native American power point. I learned that Native Americans came to America almost 17,000 years ago. I also learned that slowly migrated to America over a course of several thousand years. They moved mostly because of search for food and other means. Then I watched a presentation about the Vikings. The Vikings came to North America by mistake. They were trying to get to Greenland. However, when they got to America they did not see anything fruitful in North America. A large percentage of the Viking Economy was based on pillaging other countries. Therefore, when they got to Canada it was just a cold place that yielded very little produce with very hostile Native Americans. Then my group and I did our presentation on Christopher Columbus. However, we did not even get to the third slide before class was over. That is what happened today in class.

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