Thursday, October 11, 2012


In class today, I finished my group’s presentation on Christopher Columbus. The Class was surprised to know that Christopher Columbus is not as big of a hero as every makes him out to be. Chris Christopher Columbus came to America in the year 1492. The first place Christopher Columbus landed was in the Caribbean islands. He landed somewhere near the Bahamas in the Caribbean. He was aiming for India when he ran into the islands and discovered America.  Columbus was unaware that he had landed in America. He died without knowing of his "discovery." He had believed he was in India the whole time. Christopher Columbus did not respect the land of the new world after landing and being accustomed to the area. He started to settle on the land and overthrow the Native Americans
control. Christopher Columbus soon conquered the Natives land by building and settling in the new world. Mr. Schick went over some more information with that and us was went we did in class today.

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