Thursday, October 4, 2012


In Human Geo we went over different links that People Found. I really like the TOMS one, because at least we know it’s legit (I think). But there two that I really liked. One, Maybe we should collect blankets and pillows and teddy bears and donate to these kids. This one and the TOMS are kind of alike but they both have the same drawbacks. For one, Kids are starving and crying about dead parents and you give them shoes to wear. Doesn’t sound like a nice person to me? (I know this is harsh but this is the reality). Another thing I saw was “Project Education Sudan Project
Education South Sudan is a US 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization, a registered NGOwith the Republic of South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, andregistered with the Jong lei State Ministry of Education was created as apartnership of Sudanese and Americans in response to the destruction thatresulted from the twenty-year civil war between northern and South Sudan.” This organization is another great charity we should donate to. That is what we did this class period.

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