Saturday, October 27, 2012



Hugo Chavez

Federal presidential Constitution


Official portrait of Dilma Rousseff


Dilma Rousseff

Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic



Jean-Marc Ayrault

Unitary Semi-presidential constitutional republic

United Kingdom

A man, clean shaven, with short straight dark brown swept back hair wearing a suit jacket, white shirt and blue tie

United Kingdom

David Cameron

Unitary Parliamentary constitutional Monarchy



Angella Merkel

Federal Parliamentary constitutional Republic



Benjamin Netanyou

Parliamentary democracy



Seyed Ali Khamenei

Unitary State / Islamic Republic



Hamid Karzee

Islamic Republic


Pranab Muhkherjee


Federal parliamentary Constitutional Republic



   Hu Jintao


Felipe Calderon

           Constitution-based Federal Republic

          Felipe Calderon

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz

Unitary Islamic Monarchy

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today in class Mr. Schick was not present. I don’t know where he went because a couple minutes before class started I saw him walking in the hallway. When I went to class we were re-directed to class 321. Then it took over 10 minutes for class to start because the teacher that was coming to our class was taking forever. When class finally started we were told to write 15 “identification” terms that we think will be on the test. As soon as I started I zoomed through the assignment. Mostly because the assignment was really easy. I wrote allot of stuff about the specifics about the 5 religions we went over, mostly their main doctrines. After I was done writing my 15 terms I decided that I was going to write my blog. Why not do it now instead of waiting until I get home. So before I left class my Homework was done which is really a relief. That is all I did in class today and I can’t wait until next class. I wonder why Mr.Schick was gone.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Test Questions

1.Where was Hinduism founded?
2.Which country has the most Buddhists?
3.Does Judaism ideology support Jesus Christ as the lord and savior?
4.Is  Christianity a religion or school of thought?
5. What is the world most popular name? ( This name is a male name ,  and this man is a prophet)

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Today In class, we continued to go over the top five most influential religions in the world. We reviewed the Islam faith, which was founded in the year 622 AD in the City of Mecca. Despite popular belief within Islamic populations, Muhammad is the globally accepted founder of the Islam religion. Islam is an Abrahamic religion meaning that the ideology that stems from Muslim beliefs comes from “Abraham” just like Christianity and Judaism. There are at least 1 billion Muslims and it is one of the fastest growing religions in the world.
Then we talked about Buddhism, which was founded by Siddhartha Gautama in the year 622AD. Buddhism is a way of life and not a “religion” in the same sense that the “Western” perceives it. Then we talked about Hinduism, which is apparently a religion that is not very understood by Mr. Schick. However, what was funny is that Mr. Schick asked me if I was Hindu. I was like…”NO”. Anyway, I do not think that there are ANY Hindu people in Africa never the less Nigeria. That is a summary of my class period.

Monday, October 15, 2012


In class today Mr. Schick taught us key concepts and ideas for our new unit through a PowerPoint presentation. First, we learned about ethnicity heritage and how that can affect ethnic tensions in a country. For example in Nigeria, before British colonization there were several different mini countries with their own territories in Nigeria. Nevertheless, when the British took over they put all these tribes into one huge country. There was peace until the British left. After they left tension grew between several ethnicities. Eventually the battle boiled down to the Christians in the South and the Muslims in the North who despise each other, yet they are both in the same country! (This is coincidentally the same case with Sudan) 1 country several ethnicities that cause rift between each other. But the case in Nigeria is not as bad as others, in countries like Sudan, The more powerful side completely dominates the less dominate side. This means complete annihilation. In Nigeria, Both Sides are equal so war amounts to nothing, But in others….

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Christianity was founded in the Levant region of the Middle East in the mid 1st century. Christianity was a strange religion when founded because it was the 1st monotheistic religion. The holy book used in the Christian religion is the Bible. Christianity claims around 2.2 billion followers, which is about a third of the world population. The central figure of Christianity is Jesus Christ whom is believed to be the Son of God. The largest concentration of Christians in the world is in the Western part of the world. There are over 246,799,000 in America. This takes up at least 30% of the Christians in the Western World.Also Jesus Christ is the founder of the Church , or by some accounts spawned 95% of all teaching.That is my summary of the Christian Religion.

Islam was founded in the year 622 AD in the City of Mecca. Although many Muslims believe that Islam was founded before Muhammad, Religious historians believe he is the founder. Islam is a monotheistic religion just like the rest of its fellow Abrahamic religions. The holy book of the Islamic religion is the Koran. There are an estimated 1.2 – 1.57 billion Muslims in the World. The central figure in Islam is their most sacred prophet “Muhammad”. The largest Islam population is in South Asia with majority of Muslims living in Indonesia (204,847,000). That is my summary of the Islamic religion.

Buddhism was founded in 460 B.C in modern day India. Which is strange to me is that Buddhism is not a religion in which “God or Gods” are involved in. “Buddhism chooses to focus upon practical ways of life that can lead to a blissful state of being (enlightenment) that includes compassion for beings.”( Therefore, it is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic. In the Buddhist religion there is no one single book that is used. However, a book may help when trying to reach enlightened states of mind. This book is called the “Trip taka” “The Pāli Canon also known as the Tipitaka is the standard collection of scriptures in the Theravada Buddhist tradition”( is the founder of Buddhism. There is an estimate of  489,807,761 Buddhists in the world with almost all of them living in Asia. The largest group of Buddhists in the world is in China (105,748,151-277,588,986). The central figure of the religion “Buddhism” is Buddha .That is my summary of the Buddhist religion.

Hinduism was founded in 1500-500 BC in modern day India. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. There are many Holy books in the Hinduism faith but the main one is the “Vedas”. The Vedas are the common Holy Scriptures that all Hindus share. There are 950 million Hindus in the world. With most of them residing in Asia, (India). The most central figure In Hinduism is “Brahman”. “Braham is the ultimate essence of material phenomena (including the original identity of the human self) that cannot be seen or heard but whose nature can be known through the development of self-knowledge” ( That is my summary of the Hindu religion.

Abraham founded Judaism in 1800 BC in the city of Ur in Babylonia. Judaism is a monotheistic belief. The holy book in Judaism is the Torah. There are currently 13,000,000 Jews in the world. The central figure in Judaism is Abraham. Most Jews in the World live in the United States. That is my summary of The Jewish faith.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


In class today, I finished my group’s presentation on Christopher Columbus. The Class was surprised to know that Christopher Columbus is not as big of a hero as every makes him out to be. Chris Christopher Columbus came to America in the year 1492. The first place Christopher Columbus landed was in the Caribbean islands. He landed somewhere near the Bahamas in the Caribbean. He was aiming for India when he ran into the islands and discovered America.  Columbus was unaware that he had landed in America. He died without knowing of his "discovery." He had believed he was in India the whole time. Christopher Columbus did not respect the land of the new world after landing and being accustomed to the area. He started to settle on the land and overthrow the Native Americans
control. Christopher Columbus soon conquered the Natives land by building and settling in the new world. Mr. Schick went over some more information with that and us was went we did in class today.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


In class today, we showed the classroom our Presentation on Christopher Columbus. The first presentation that was presented to the classroom was the Native American power point. I learned that Native Americans came to America almost 17,000 years ago. I also learned that slowly migrated to America over a course of several thousand years. They moved mostly because of search for food and other means. Then I watched a presentation about the Vikings. The Vikings came to North America by mistake. They were trying to get to Greenland. However, when they got to America they did not see anything fruitful in North America. A large percentage of the Viking Economy was based on pillaging other countries. Therefore, when they got to Canada it was just a cold place that yielded very little produce with very hostile Native Americans. Then my group and I did our presentation on Christopher Columbus. However, we did not even get to the third slide before class was over. That is what happened today in class.

Monday, October 8, 2012


On Monday, We started a group assignment on Christopher Columbus. However, before that I re-met the new student in our Class “Mike”. Mike is a Nigerian kid who is 6’11.Tall huh? I really like Mike, but sadly everyone keeps on asking me, your Nigerian right, why aren’t you tall? Anyway, when it was time to work in small groups I quickly volunteered to work with Mike. Mike, Alice, Danielle, Maria, Matt, and I started to work on our presentation. Initially we had trouble getting everyone the e-mail but eventually we got it. We started to assign questions and I then started to help mike with his. He did not have a computer yet, so I let him use mine. Mike seems very smart, and got the hang of things quickly. I was going to set up his blog for him but I did not get the chance. When we finally got the chance to really get things going in our group the bell rung. However, I had a great Day. That is how my class went , and I can’t wait until tomorrow.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


In Human Geography Class Today we took a test. Prior to the test I was uncomfortable. I didn’t take good notes on The Lost Boys after they moved to America; So I wasn’t sure how I was going to effectively Study. But thankfully, Parker let me look at her notes. When we started the test I realized how easy it was and despite 2 tricky fill in the blank questions I think I aced the test. Also, when Mr. Schick was going over the test answers I think he was reading mine because Of a specific word I used that was recited. The word I used was not a common word, but I could be wrong. Sadly Mr. .Schick said that test was almost 100%, So If it was mine I didn’t get a 100%. And I really want a 100% because that would boost my grade. Right now I have a 99% in Human Geography So if I get 1 more percent , I have a 100% grade , which would do wonders for my GPA.(Every percentage point counts). That is how my class period went.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


In Human Geo we went over different links that People Found. I really like the TOMS one, because at least we know it’s legit (I think). But there two that I really liked. One, Maybe we should collect blankets and pillows and teddy bears and donate to these kids. This one and the TOMS are kind of alike but they both have the same drawbacks. For one, Kids are starving and crying about dead parents and you give them shoes to wear. Doesn’t sound like a nice person to me? (I know this is harsh but this is the reality). Another thing I saw was “Project Education Sudan Project
Education South Sudan is a US 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization, a registered NGOwith the Republic of South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, andregistered with the Jong lei State Ministry of Education was created as apartnership of Sudanese and Americans in response to the destruction thatresulted from the twenty-year civil war between northern and South Sudan.” This organization is another great charity we should donate to. That is what we did this class period.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


On Wednesday I found a great organization. This I a brief summary of what they are about “Wadeng Wings of Hope is a Canadian registered charitable society dedicated to raising funds and implementing projects in support of children’s education and wellbeing in South Sudan. We have our charitable tax status with Canada Revenue Agency, and issue tax receipts for all donations. The organization meets regularly, as meetings are called by the chair, and the annual meeting for the election of the Board of Directors as well as the presentation of the previous year’s financial statement takes place early in the New Year.” It’s a great organization that I think should be considered for use in the “Class project that we are doing. In class Schick wanted us to find organizations that could help Sudan, or Sudanese Lost Children. We used an Open-Sourced Document to write out our information. This is just one great organization I found.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Today In class we finished the movie “God Grew Tired of Us”. I was amazed by what these hard-working Sudanese guys accomplished. John Doe got his high school diploma and his Associative degree. He made an organization for Helping Sudanese lost boys and girls. Also, he was reunited with his mother. Panther got his bachelor’s degree and is stilling looking for his mother and father. He moved back to Sudan temporarily so that he could marry his girlfriend. He also plans to build a school in Sudan. The third Sudanese lost boy is still living in the Job Corps.  I don’t think that the Job Corps was a good idea for john. I feel as if all the other Sudanese youth did better than John because they didn’t join the job corp. Anyway I really enjoyed the movie and in summary every one life was better. That is my summary of today’s class.