Saturday, December 1, 2012


Today In Human Geography class we continued to watch the video “The People’s Republic of Capitalism”. I continue to have mixed-feelings about the use of China as our manufacturer for almost ALL of our imports. I wonder, “How did we get ourselves into this dilemma?” Many business men view this “interdependence” as a win-win situation. However, I have a feeling that businessmen our just into this thing for themselves. Is America way too dependent on China? I don’t think that any country should be too dependent on another. Why can’t America be like the one that was first created? During the industrial revolution America supported the whole world. If the American economy crashed then the whole entire world’s economy would crash. But now, even though America is still on top, it depends on China in a very significant way. If the Chinese economy was to ever crash, I believe that it would take at number of years before America could get back on its feet. Despite my view on Chinese-America relations, I think that China and America are way too intertwined to do anything about it now. Thankfully, at least American consumers benefit in some type of way.

That is my view on American-Chinese relations.

P.S I don’t know if this is weird but I kind of want to write an essay about this. ;)

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