Thursday, August 30, 2012

Third Day Of Class

August 30th, 2012

Today we read an article in class named "A message to Garcia" by Elbert Hubbard. In this story, The Cuban people were having a revolution. The American President, President McKinley asked Rowan to go find General Garcia. Without any complaint, Rowan searched for Garcia with 100% dedication. Rowan did something that I know I couldn’t do without complaint. If I was told to do something like that, I would probably reply like this “the whole Spanish Army is looking for Garcia and they can’t find him, how do you expect me to find him”. But Rowan did his duty, with a smile on his face. Anyway, while we were talking about Rowan in class I didn’t raise my hand a lot, even when I knew the answers. But as soon as a reward was given, my brain was suddenly giving me amazing answers. The attitude that I expressed in class was not the attitude Rowan possessed. He would have worked hard in class 120%.  What I really got from today’s class is that working hard shouldn’t be a sometimes thing, it should be an always thing because that’s what giving “a message to Garcia” is all about.

-Wilfred Ikejiofor

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012

Second Day of Class
Today was the second day of class in Human Geography. We didn’t get a lot of work accomplished, because almost everyone in the class including myself was having computer problems. However some people had a LOT of more problems than others. While, Mr. Schick was catching the class up, I talked to the students sitting around me .I want to say the class period was a waste of time , but if we didn’t get the whole class on the same page today , then who knows how lost the class would be.
Arête – Arête is the highest possible state of being that can be achieved physically, mentally and spiritually. According to a Greek to English Translator, Arête means “the best you can be”.

Polis – Polis means City in Greek. However, a polis is usually referred to as the word for “city-state”
Socrates – An Ancient Greek philosopher. He is widely known as one of the founders  of Western Civilization and the teacher of Plato.
The Death of Socrates- Socrates was given two choices, Exile or death by hemlock (poison). Socrates chose Hemlock.
The Socrates Method-  A Method in which one debater will state concrete facts that everyone knows  is correct, but contradicts with what the second debater stated.
508 BC- ??
Agora- The gathering place in Ancient Greece.
Idiot- In Ancient Greece If you didn’t vote or If you were an untalented worker you were an “idiot”

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday August 27th , 2012

First Day Of Class

Today was the first day of Human Geography. In class, we went over the syllabus.I hated going over the syllabus because it takes FOREVER,but I knew it was important so I listened anyway.                                            

After the class syllabus Mr. Schick started to talk about the blog.  Apparently, a lot of people didn’t do the blog yet. Honestly, I don’t know how anyone could forget to do the first homework assignment. At my old school, those people would receive a zero unless they had a good excuse. But Mr. Schick gave them an extra day which is pretty cool. At least I know that when I forget or ignore an assignment Mr. Schick will give me a break.

Then we started to talk about the beauty of a composition book. I still don’t like Composition book’s as much as I like Spiral notebooks. Composition book’s seems little “old-fashioned” to me, But my Parent’s and Mr. Schick don’t agree.                                                                                                                

At the very end of class, Mr. Schick started to help people with their blog problems. I started to pack up while he was doing this because I really wanted to get to lunch. 10 minutes later the bell rang and I left for Lunch. That was a summary of my first Day of Human Geography.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My First Day At John Carroll

My First Day of John Carroll


The Cafeteria:

When I first arrived at John Carroll, I was very nervous. I did not know what to expect. I had not switched schools in over 6 years. So, I was not used to starting all over and making new friends. However, I knew that I had to get over my fear and make friends. I sat down in the cafeteria and examined my surroundings. There were many freshmen, and I was a little overwhelmed. However, I calmed after I realized that I was not the only one freaking out. I talked to my Mom about my schedule and relaxed until I got to the Auditorium.

The Auditorium:


When I walked into the Auditorium, I immediately noticed the arrangement of the seats. It reminded me of a Theater. My old school did not have a Auditorium, we used the gym, so I was a little giddy. I heard the speeches, and prayed with the Administrators. I was glad that I was Catholic because I already knew most of the prayers. All of the Administrators seemed nice. However, the Dean, seemed a little strict, nice but Strict. Anyway, the Auditorium was a very nice experience and it made me feel welcome as a freshmen.

The Groups:


We were eventually split up into groups in the Auditorium.

First, my group went to the library. While there, we read the different activities that John Carroll has to offer. We also went over the rules of the Library, like no eating or drinking. After the Library, we went to the Guidance Office. The Guidance Counselors talked to us about staying organized and, how to keep track of our hectic bell schedule. Then we went to take our pictures. While in line waiting for our pictures, I met some incoming freshmen. One of the friendliest people I met was a South Korean exchange student named Seho.After meeting Seho I was amazed how John Carroll has so many kids from around the world. Eventually we went to the Auditorium. There we had a very serious talk with the Dean. He told us about the different punishments we could get experience if we weren’t honest. The conversation shook me up a little but in summary, the experience was very cool.

After touring some main facilities and meeting some teachers, I thought that all the teachers at John Carroll were friendly. I also thought that I was going to have a great year.


At first, I was slightly confused. There were so many people and I didn’t know where to go. Nevertheless, I played it cool and sat next to some ninth graders. The people I sat next to were very friendly. Most of them were kids who just moved to the area. I made friends with all of them.



1.   Earth Science: As soon as everyone in the class arrived, we were seated according to a seating chart. Then Mr. Perry told us about his class. He also told us that he was a very loud teacher. By the end of the class, I agreed with him. But on the positive side, he seems like a good teacher.

2.   Honors Chinese: The teacher was very nice. She does not seem like a tough teacher, I think that as long as I try, she will pass me.


3.   Intro to Bible: Mrs. Dohn is a very pleasant teacher. I think that I will enjoy her class.


4.   Algebra: The class was very brief. She introduced herself as Mrs. Reyerson. Then she discussed the materials needed for the class.


5.    Human Geography: This class was smaller than the other rooms I had been in previously. Mr. Schick seems serious yet comical.


6.   English 1: As soon as everyone in the class arrived, we were seated according to a seating chart. Then we told the class about ourselves.


7.   Health and Wellness: Mr. Thomas Vierheller was our teacher for this class. He reminded us about how important it is to be honest.




Overall, I think that this school year will be a wonderful year. As long as I work hard in each class, I will succeed.