Monday, January 14, 2013

My Grade for this Class

My participation class should be a 95. Honestly, I believe that I have contributed a lot of valuable information to this class. I come to class almost always prepared and I show great enthusiasm when answering questions in this class.
I really enjoy this class. I enjoy Social Studies in general, but this class was very awesome. I liked how you informed us of daily news and connected it to events that happened in the past. That is why I liked this class.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond is an American scientist of Jewish descent. He was born on September 10th, 1937. This man is obviously a very intelligent man with contributions in over 9 different fields including Physiology, Biophysics and Anthropology. However, despite the fact that this man has several achievements the reason our teacher wants us to “look him up” is because of some research he undertook in 1997. In this research he sought to understand why Euro-Asian communities were more advanced when it came to technologies and power. He thinks (and I agree) that the reason for this gap in “technologies” is because of environmental differences NOT cultural or racial differences.
He has made MANY trips to Papa New Guinea 

Guns,Germs and Steel
This book explains how the Euro-Asia population dominated the world. The book explains why they were so powerful. It dismisses the argument that Europeans are "racially" superior to other races. He proposes the argument that Environment is the primary reason for European dominance. For example European societies have grain that makes their community more favorable to development.

Talks about how some counties are more advanced than others.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Today in Human Geography, I actually dreaded going to Human Geography for the 1st time this whole entire school year?!?!?! But Human Geography was actually was very nice today. We started to work in Groups for a project. I actually wanted to work by myself instead of working in a group. But I couldn't do anything about that now could I? I worked with some pretty smart people, meaning that I won’t have to do all the work. I can’t wait to start the project because I have a lot of great ideas for it. Usually when I do a project I like to do EVERYTHING as I go. For example I don’t do all the research at once. I usually do some design (the fun part) and then a little research, and then back to design. That way my project looks nice. Right after this blog I am going to start my project. In summary class today was very nice.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today in class we watched the People Republics of Capitalism. China is trying to become the number one economy. By taking American Job’s it has already decreased the growth of the American economy. Also, it seems that they are trying to instill Chinese manufacturers into the American economy. My opinion of American-Chinese relations has regressed. China is trying to take over the world-wide economy. I don’t trust them. However my opinion doesn’t really matter! LOL I seriously think that Americans should start to invest into other things. Like education or business things. (EX. Hybrid-Car’s). Anyway, I’m really happy that we are watching these videos, because it has really been opening up mind about things that are going on in the world.

The Chinese automobile industry is NOT booming in America. This is because; American standards for cars are very high. The American government expects that a car should not burst into flames when it is hammered by another car. However Chinese cars do not meet these standards at ALL. Chinese cars are very fragile and brittle. A passenger driving in these car’s would die easily.


I was absent from Class today.


Human Geography

Today in class we continued to watch the video “The People’s Republic of capitalism.” This video is VERY interesting. It talks about the economic relations between China and USA. After watching this video I fully understand their relationship. Initially, I didn’t think much of China. I saw their country as “leeches”, a country that sucks off jobs. But now, I have a more open mind about China. Even though our relationship with China is actually beneficial to both countries, I will never fully accept it. In class today we watched the “Bang man”. This is a Chinese worker who takes bags of travelers up and down stairs. He has a very high opinion of America. I wonder why???? Maybe because he is living on American tips??  However I hope that his opinion reflects how the rest of China feels about America. To summarize, this video is a very wonderful video that really opened up my opinion on China.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Today In Human Geography class we continued to watch the video “The People’s Republic of Capitalism”. I continue to have mixed-feelings about the use of China as our manufacturer for almost ALL of our imports. I wonder, “How did we get ourselves into this dilemma?” Many business men view this “interdependence” as a win-win situation. However, I have a feeling that businessmen our just into this thing for themselves. Is America way too dependent on China? I don’t think that any country should be too dependent on another. Why can’t America be like the one that was first created? During the industrial revolution America supported the whole world. If the American economy crashed then the whole entire world’s economy would crash. But now, even though America is still on top, it depends on China in a very significant way. If the Chinese economy was to ever crash, I believe that it would take at number of years before America could get back on its feet. Despite my view on Chinese-America relations, I think that China and America are way too intertwined to do anything about it now. Thankfully, at least American consumers benefit in some type of way.

That is my view on American-Chinese relations.

P.S I don’t know if this is weird but I kind of want to write an essay about this. ;)