Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 17 ,2012

In class today we watched a PowerPoint with Mr. Schick. The PowerPoint touched on something’s that we will need to learn for this year. First I took some notes on Population and Settlement. According to Mr. Schick there are 7 billion people on earth. The population growth is about 77 million people per year. But strangely enough 90% of the population growth takes place in developing countries that are located mainly in Africa, South East Asia & Latin America. Then we went over life expectancy throughout the world. The highest life expectancy in the world is in Monaco. Monaco is pretty much an island where rich people relax and boss people around. I assume that it is not very stressful in this country, so the life expectancy is 80.57 for men and 87.43 for women. In U.S the life expectancy is 76.05 for men and 81.05 for women. While in undeveloped countries like Chad the life expectancy is 47.65 for men and 49.82 for women. Women are known to live longer than men because men like to take more dangerous jobs. I think it’s a social thing and an economic thing. Men sometimes feel like they have to be the one to carry the burden of the famly.Also, money is very important and sometimes you need a dangerous job to make money. We talked about other things in class, but if I cover everything we talked about I will be typing all day. In conclusion Human Geo is very fun and I look forward to next class. That is my summary of class today.

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